The Center for Alumni and Careers, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) has held a strategic collaboration with the Federal Religious Secondary School (SMAP), Labu, Negeri Sembilan to organize the Smart Community Program for Parents of Federal Religious Secondary Schools (SMAP), Labu, Negeri Sembilan or more known as KOMPASS. KOMPASS Launching Ceremony was completed by YBhg. Prof. Prof. Dr. Mohd Rushdan Mohd Jailani, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Student and Alumni Affairs), USIM on 1 February 2020 at Dewan Sri Bistari, SMAP.

The KOMPASS program is part of the USIM Alumni Smart Community Program, which is a University Social Responsibility (USR) program. This program is a branding of the Alumni and Career Center, USIM in community activities involving University alumni. The Center for Alumni and Careers, USIM sees this USR program as important in making education a tool that can change the fate of future generations. Through education as well, Malaysia will be able to produce a generation that is knowledgeable and moral to build a successful Malaysian nation. The objective of this program is to help improve the quality of academic performance at SMAP Labu in the academic field and personality of the students. At the same time, this USR program will be able to strengthen the relationship between the University, the community and even the industry.

Through the KOMPASS program, USIM students will be trained as Facilitators for students at SMAP starting to form two, three and four. These USIM students will help guide the students of this school in the subjects of Arabic, Mathematics, Additional Mathematics and also Science including Biology, Chemistry and Physics. More than 60 USIM students are involved in this program through the ‘GIG Economy’ Program, which starts from February 2020 to November 2020. The ‘GIG Economy’ program is a program that gives the opportunity for University students to earn additional through various platforms such as Facilitator to the students of this school. In addition, several additional programs will be held with school students such as Motivation Slots with USIM Alumni Icons as well as innovation programs that will be conducted periodically.

At the launch of KOMPASS program, YBhg Associate Prof Dr Mohd Rushdan Mohd Jailani, Deputy Vice Chancellor (HEPA), USIM stated that he believes and is confident that the KOMPASS program implemented in a more structured and systematic by 2020 will help improve performance school academics later. Through strong cooperation between school management, teachers, PTA and SARANA SMAP Labu, He hopes that this KOMPASS program will be able to provide an opportunity for USIM students to also find experience helping their siblings in this school in the academic field.

At this launching ceremony, there were several other Responsibility Centers (PTJ), USIM that participated, namely USIM Publishers, Marketing and Student Admission Center (PPKP), FAST Lab from the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), and USIM Tamhidi Center.