The objective of the award is as a sign of appreciation from USIM to all Alumni inclusive of who have contributed to the university and community in various fields.
Sumbangsih Award
(Awarded to Alumni who have contributed in student career development)
Grand Award Alumni Icon
(Awarded to Alumni who have shown greatness in their careers and community service that can be used as a model for Alumni and USIM students)
Academic Alumni Icon
(Awarded to Alumni who have shown outstanding achievements in the field of education either as lecturers, teachers and others related to the field of education and can be used as a model for Alumni and USIM students)
Administration Alumni Icon
(Awarded to Alumni who have shown outstanding achievements in the field of administration in public/private organizations and can be used as a model for Alumni and USIM students)
Entrepreneurship Alumni Icon
(Awarded to Alumni who have shown outstanding achievements in the field of entrepreneurship either have their own company or work in other business companies and can be used as a model for Alumni and USIM students)
Volunteerism Alumni Icon
(Awarded to Alumni who have shown outstanding achievements in the field of social responsibility for the well -being of society either in or outside the country and can be used as a model for Alumni and USIM students)
International Alumni Icon
(Awarded to Alumni from outside Malaysia who have shown outstanding achievements in their careers and can be used as a model for USIM Alumni and students)