MOHD NURHAKIMI MD YAMAN is a Wealth Planner in Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad and PruBSN Takaful. Hakimi Yaman is well-known for his expertise in helping clients for their short-term and long-term financial goals especially to the youths, families, and business owners. Currently, he has over 500 clients in Malaysia.
Hakimi Yaman, a recognized MDRT member (Million Dollar Round Table member) – an international organisation as he met the standard of excellence in the life insurance and financial services business. This achievement demonstrates exceptional professionalism and outstanding client service by providing them with future protection and peace of mind.
Besides having an outstanding career, Hakimi Yaman is currently building his own agency under Victory Group. Being one of the leadership management team has led him to become a future leader whose main goal to encourage millennials to have more work-life balance, be confident, as well as take charge in pursuing their dreams.