AHMAD SHAHER MOHD FUAD is a 2015 graduate from the Faculty of Syariah and Law (FSU) in Syariah and Law and then he studied Diploma in Syariah Judicial Practice and Advocacy (DIJAP). Upon completing his studies, he took Chambering (Coach in the court) in April 2016 at Tetuan Nizam, Harlina & Co. Ahmad Shaher Mohd Fuad showed interest in the career as a lawyer since he was little because he believes that he could help people in need of justice in court and at the same time, upholding the Islamic law. While in USIM, he joined debate club and participated in the Moot Court Competition to familiarize himself with the real situation in court. This allowed him to prepare for arguments neatly and systematically. This experience also helped him a lot in increasing his self-confidence in court argument and at the same time, helped him in office management.